Industrial Biomass Boilers
Industrial Processes Need Industrial Boilers to Support Them
Does your current energy supply come from the burning of coal, oil or gas? If so, now might be the perfect opportunity to consider a greener, more energy efficient option to burning fossil fuels, especially if your process needs continuous heating.
Industrial processes need industrial boilers to support them, and with a huge amount of experience in supplying and installing biomass systems into industrial applications, you’re in safe hands with Myriad.
Industrial biomass boilers are suitable for a wide range of applications, and you’ll see them commonly utilised within manufacturing, drying systems, food and drink processing, and wood product production.
Partner with Myriad and allow us to design, install and maintain the right industrial biomass boiler for your business. Our customers trust us with the service and maintenance of almost 1,000 biomass boilers.
Combustion Systems
Myriad will first assess and characterise the fuel and select the best type of combustion grate system for the available fuel. Each combustion grate is designed to use a specific type of fuel. The boilers can self-adjust to compensate for the fuels natural variability, but only within certain boundaries. There is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to Industrial Biomass systems.
Industrial boiler combustion system will have functionality such as the following to ensure the relevant emissions legislation is always adhered to:
- Flue gas re-circulation – reduces the fire temperature to limit thermal NOx development
- Stepped and moving grate –prevents the fuel from forming clinker on the grate which can cause hot spots and early failure
- Adjustable primary/secondary/tertiary air allows perfect optimisation of the combustion

Heating Medium (WW, HW, Steam)
Myriad offers industrial Boilers from 150 kW up to 10,000 kW nominal heating capacity. The heating medium is defined by the process, LTHW for heating, MTHW or steam for process heat. Once the specification has been established, we can size a system to suit. This not only includes the heat exchanger and combustion system but also the fuel storage and transport options.

Fuel Storage Design Ideas
If you have restricted internal space for a boiler or are looking for a modern self-contained energy centre for new developments, invest in this biomass package.
A simple plug-and-play option to reduce on-site disruption and installation time significantly, these products are fitted out off-site and delivered as one completed energy centre to site to be connected up to the on-site heat distribution system.
These solutions are perfect for office blocks, hotels, distilleries, retail, hospitals, schools, swimming pools and leisure centres, country estates and general commercial and industrial use.