Solar PV

For more than two decades, Myriad has installed tens of thousands of PV panels and battery systems. The benefits of our expertise, bespoke system designs, and dedicated service & maintenance engineers are undeniable.

Speak to our PV specialists

Solar PV

For more than two decades, Myriad has installed tens of thousands of PV panels and battery systems. The benefits of our expertise, bespoke system designs, and dedicated service & maintenance engineers are undeniable.

Speak to our PV specialists

Committed to saving you
time, money and CO₂

For more than two decades Myriad has installed tens of thousands of PV panels and battery systems.  The benefits of our expertise, bespoke system designs and dedicated service & maintenance engineers are undeniable.

Speak to our specialists today

Bespoke Solutions

We understand that no two customers are the same. That’s why we take the time to assess your energy requirements and site conditions to create a solar PV system designed specifically for you. Our customised approach guarantees optimal performance, helping your business reduce energy costs and achieve sustainability goals.

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End-to-End Support

From initial consultation to final installation, we manage every aspect of your solar PV project. Our team handles the planning, design, installation, and commissioning processes, making the transition to solar power seamless. We’re here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring your journey to renewable energy is stress-free.

Speak to our specialists today

Long-Term Reliability

We don’t just install solar systems; we’re committed to keeping them running smoothly. Our expert maintenance and monitoring services ensure your solar PV system performs at its best for years to come. With Myriad Heat and Power, you can count on long-term reliability and maximum return on investment.

Speak to our specialists today

Sustainability Leadership

By choosing Myriad Heat and Power, you’re taking a step toward a greener future. Our solar PV systems help your business reduce carbon emissions, demonstrating your commitment to sustainability. Together, we can make a positive impact on the environment while enhancing your business’s reputation as a responsible, forward-thinking organisation.

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Demo product
How PV can I have installed on my roof?

Depending on several factors, like orientation, pitch, and latitude, PV panels provide approximately 180-230W/m². Below is a list of rough outputs you might expect from a given area of roof:

For this rule of thumb assume the building footprint is equal to the roof area.

  • 500m²   =>   100kW
  • 2,000m²   =>   360kW
  • 5,000m²   =>   1,000kW

Note that if you have skylights you wish to keep this will reduce your capacity considerably. Contact us to undertake a free of charge detailed sizing for your building.

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Demo product
Minimum Requirements for a Good Return on your PV Installation

Roof area >250m2

3 phase electricity on site

Annual bill >£40k

Roof not subject to significant shading

Demo product
How much will the PV installation cost?

For roof mounted solar PV systems the capital cost of a fully installed system is typically between £650/kW and £900/kW giving a typical pay back between 2-5 years.

Rough Guide

PV System Size   Typical Installation Price
100kW   £60k - £70k
250kW   £140k - £160k
1000kW   £500k - £600k
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How Much Will A Commercial Solar PV System Save?

1kW of solar panel will typically yield between 700 and 900kWh of electricity per year, depending upon the panel efficiency, orienta on, angle to the horizontal and geographical location.
For each 1kW installed a saving of approximately £224 is made each year*

*assumes an electricity cost of 25p/kWh

Rough Guide

PV System Size   Typical Annual Saving
100kW   £25k
250kW   £60k
1000kW   £240k


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